Category: stress
Exam Stress: Flip the Script!
Exams don’t define you but your approach to them might. Instead of treating them as a battlefield, what if you saw them as a game? Here’s how to hack your brain and outsmart stress: 🔹 Turn Anxiety into Fuel – Nervous? That’s just your brain gearing up. Channel it into action by making a plan,…
Practical Techniques for Everyday Stress Management
Let’s face it, life can feel like a constant juggling act, and sometimes the flaming chainsaws of deadlines, errands, and unexpected chaos threaten to topple the whole precarious tower. But fear not, weary juggler! Here are some practical techniques to tame the everyday stresses and keep those metaphorical chainsaws safely on the ground (or, you…
Self-Care Strategies for Busy Women
In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, from work and family obligations to social commitments and personal pursuits. Amidst this hectic lifestyle, it’s crucial for women to prioritize their mental wellness through self-care practices. By carving out time for self-care, busy women can replenish their energy reserves, reduce stress, and foster…
Mental health ‘check in’ on your loved one
We always look out for the people we love—parents, partners, children, friends, and siblings. We take care of them when they fall in and take them to the hospital if they get hurt. So why not look out for their mental health as well? Read the blog ahead to know how to do that. Some…
Grief and Bereavement: Coping with the loss of a loved one
The global pandemic has had a significant impact on everyone’s life. During this pandemic, many people have lost their loved one. Not connecting with the deceased before and after their death has potentially increased the risk of complicated grief. What are Grief and Bereavement? Bereavement is the situation of having lost a loved one. Grief…
Pandemic and Your Changing Relationship with Food
The announcement of lockdown by the government due to the virus in India has bought significant changes in the lifestyle of the people, whether it’s work from home, the limited number of groceries, little or no socializing. The pandemic has affected not only the physical but also the mental health of the people. Stress: The responsibility…
How is the pandemic affecting children?
As we are constantly bombarded with news about COVID-19 and its spread, we experience a lot of anxiety and stress. Children face similar anxiety and stress, too. Detecting physical symptoms of COVID is simpler than knowing about its effect on our mental health. This applies particularly to children, as all their regular physical activities have…