The Psychology of Persuasion

Knowing how to persuade someone into doing something is an important skill to get things done. Today, we’ll explore the psychology of persuasion. We’ll learn about some of the key factors that determine how effective our persuasion attempts are, and what we can do to improve our own persuasion skills. Whether you’re trying to convince […]

Embrace Empathy

Lack of empathy is becoming an increasingly dangerous trait, as we see a rise in inflammatory rhetoric leading to ever more extreme societal ills. Empathy is not just about seeing the world from someone else’s point of view but also about understanding their history, cultural background and life story. Empathy can also be seen as […]

Mental health ‘check in’ on your loved one

We always look out for the people we love—parents, partners, children, friends, and siblings. We take care of them when they fall in and take them to the hospital if they get hurt. So why not look out for their mental health as well? Read the blog ahead to know how to do that.  Some […]

How to become resilient?

Resilience is a common psychological term describing a person’s ability to cope with challenging situations. It fundamentally refers to positive adaptation or the potential to maintain optimum mental health despite undergoing adversity. Everyone uses resilience to overcome stress, but it is not necessary to always be resilient, especially in situations of trauma or anxiety.  Resilience […]