Category: counseling
Case Study: Navigating Anxiety with a Narcissistic Parent
In therapy, I worked with a client who faced significant anxiety while dealing with a narcissistic parent. Constantly criticized, undermined, and blamed, the client struggled to build self-confidence. The unpredictable cycle of love and rejection from their parent left them feeling emotionally exhausted. Together, we identified patterns in their interactions, helping them understand the dynamics…
Mental health ‘check in’ on your loved one
We always look out for the people we love—parents, partners, children, friends, and siblings. We take care of them when they fall in and take them to the hospital if they get hurt. So why not look out for their mental health as well? Read the blog ahead to know how to do that. Some…
What Affects the Client’s Therapeutic Compliance?
People undergo therapy to bring about desired changes in themselves because therapy is designed in such a manner that it is able to achieve certain desired outcomes in the concerned patients. Achievement of these outcomes depends on various factors and one of them is the client’s therapeutic compliance. The client’s therapeutic compliance includes the patient’s…
What exactly happens in a therapy session?
Mental health concerns affect all age groups throughout the world. Many individuals who have never been to a therapist have curiosity and certainly have many questions like; Will he read my mind? What will I say when I go to a therapist? What if someone else comes to know about my problems? Will I have…