How does this work for the 21st Century Learner?

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” ― Alvin Toffler

According to Colin J. Marsh in ‘Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum’, “A wide range of personnel are involved in making curriculum. They go about their tasks in various ways such as via planning meetings, informal discussions, writing reports, papers, handbooks, textbooks, giving talks, lectures, workshops, etc.”

How does this work for the 21st Century Learner?

For the 21st century learner, a stimulating classroom is one that encourages students to think and learn. It involves teaching strategies that facilitate critical thinking. At the same time, it helps the teacher adjust the teaching practices according to the needs of the students. Teaching approaches that marry the content to skills are required. For the learner, it is essential to develop skills to understand how he/she uses that knowledge.

The curriculum developer has to foster communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. Students should be allowed to express and reflect their own choices and their own learning.

Image Source : Centre for Curriculum Redesign


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