Women Entrepreneurs: Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma (Cover to Cover Writing Studio)

Samarpita Mukherjee Sharma has done her Masters in Economics and holds a diploma in Mass Communication. She started content editing in 2010 as a freelancer and later established ‘Cover to Cover Writing Studio ’. She has also authored ebooks on writing, editing, and social media for authors. She loves to learn new things. Reading is her constant hobby. She also likes to knit, crochet, paint, bake and do gardening. You can connect with her on Instagram.

1. Describe yourself in a sentence.

I am Samarpita, the one who keeps learning something new.

2. What are your responsibilities as the owner of Cover to Cover Writing Studio?

I am an editor, content creator, writing coach and a ghostwriter – all these are roles that are primarily mine.

3. Which books have inspired you the most?

The Mahabharata

4 . Can you tell me about one of the favourite pieces you have written?

I am primarily an editor and the content I write belongs to my clients. I have published two short stories for children that I am quite proud of, and am working on creating a series of the stories. The name of the ebook is Bedtime Stories with Roxy & Tina.

5. If you were to write a book about yourself, what would you name it?

I wouldn’t, but if someone else wrote it I would suggest – The Girl Who Refused To Give Up.

6. What are the things you enjoy the most about content writing?

Putting together simple words and creating something meaningful and impactful.

7. How do you find a balance between documenting travel vs. enjoying as a travel writer?

I don’t document travel per se, and the travel writing I do isn’t particularly about the place I last visited. So, both are independent of each other and don’t clash.

8. What are you currently working on?

I am editing two manuscripts, creating content for a stationery shop’s website as well as one international brand of female fashion accessories.

9. How would you deal with writer’s block?

Writer’s block is a luxury. Being an ex-journalist, I am habituated with working even when the brain does not want to and have quick fixes to get back to writing. What helps me is going for a quick run or cycling depending on the time of the day, a quick shower, cooking, drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea – anything that rejuvenates the mind helps me break the writer’s block quickly.

10. Which skills make you a strong writer?

I am always upskilling. I LOVE to learn, unlearn, and learn again. While I used to be a hardcore fiction reader all my life, I now mostly read about writing and editing. Also, I take at least two courses every year to upskill.

11. How do you deal with a difficult client?

I haven’t had difficult clients. I recognise that I say this from a place of privilege when I say that I pick only clients whose vibes I like. Thankfully, all my clients be it individuals or brands,  have all been as cooperative as possible. I have no horror story yet.

12. What advice would you give new women entrepreneurs from the lessons you learnt from your experiences?

Clichéd, but it needs to be said again and again – everything you think that you can’t, you actually can. You are stronger than you have been made to believe – give yourself a chance.

13. What makes a good editor?

Attention to detail, willingness to rip apart every word written and find as many faults as possible before the writing goes out to the world, and always upskilling. No knowledge is permanent or enough. There is always something new to learn – even in a language which is always evolving.


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