The Future of Mental Health Tech

Imagine a world where mental health support is as accessible as your smartphone. That’s the future envisioned by the rapidly evolving field of mental health technology. Let’s explore some exciting advancements poised to revolutionize the way we approach mental wellness. Teletherapy, a mainstay during the pandemic, is undergoing a metamorphosis. We can expect the rise […]

The Role of Humor in Mental Health

They say that laughter is the best medicine, and this old adage holds true when it comes to mental health. The power of humor to uplift our spirits and improve our mental well-being is nothing short of remarkable. In this blog, we will delve into the fascinating world of laughter and explore the therapeutic benefits […]

World Mental Health Day

In a world where physical health often takes center stage, mental health sometimes lurks in the shadows, neglected and stigmatized. But that’s changing, and one of the significant catalysts for this shift is World Mental Health Day. Observed on October 10th every year, this day serves as a global reminder of the importance of mental […]

Signs You Are in Autopilot Mode

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s all too easy to slip into autopilot mode, where you go about your daily routine without much conscious thought. While this automated state can be helpful for efficiency, it can also lead to a lack of awareness and missed opportunities. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the other […]

How does one prepare for therapy?

Preparing for therapy can be beneficial to make the most of your sessions. Here are some steps to consider: Therapy is a collaborative process, and your active participation plays a crucial role in its success.

6 Ways to Create Emotional Safety

Creating emotional safety in a relationship is crucial for fostering trust, intimacy, and overall well-being. Here are six ways to achieve emotional safety – Building emotional safety takes time and effort from both partners. It requires consistent nurturing and commitment to creating a supportive and loving environment.

Embrace Empathy

Lack of empathy is becoming an increasingly dangerous trait, as we see a rise in inflammatory rhetoric leading to ever more extreme societal ills. Empathy is not just about seeing the world from someone else’s point of view but also about understanding their history, cultural background and life story. Empathy can also be seen as […]

What exactly happens in a therapy session?

Mental health concerns affect all age groups throughout the world. Many individuals who have never been to a therapist have curiosity and certainly have many questions like; Will he read my mind? What will I say when I go to a therapist? What if someone else comes to know about my problems? Will I have […]